Our Services

In Store Merchandising

We have revolutionized merchandising from the old method of just arranging products on the shelves to inculcating sales element and category management.

Road Shows

Our road show covers the whole country with partners across East Africa.The rig comes with P.A. Systems, Generator, driver and team.


We do both in store and out door promotions. Our promotion mechanics are tailor made to meet our clients’ objectives

Direct Sales

Consumers benefit from direct selling because of the convenience and service it provides, including personal demonstration and explanation of products, home delivery, and generous satisfaction guarantees.

Event Management

Having an event? Let us handle all the logistics as you sit and share light moments with the invited guests.These events include: launches, concerts, company parties and team building activities.

Street Activation

Nothing works faster than seeing and participating; we use our innovative live experiential techniques to create buzz and generate massive awareness that is brand target specific. The whole idea is to COMMAND ATTENTION and SPUR INTEREST at any point of consumer engagement.

Nivea Stress Protect Launch Office Harlem Shake

Extension of Nivea Stress Protect Launch via office Harlem Shake. Nivea Stress Protect Launch Office Harlem Shake – 6 Offices Mix.

Our team